HR-7D |
17.200 |
Mildly shallow |
#22(4.00) |
HR-L |
Fits for principal and third player who play high register in an orchestra. Produces powerful and tonal core sound. Good matching with middle or small bell. |
Bach 11 (Shallower) |
HR-7C |
Medium |
#16(4.50) |
Produces rich harmony and easy to play high register. Fits for both large and small bell. |
Bach 11 |
HR-7B |
Mildly deep |
#13(4.70) |
HR-M |
Produces an American sound like filling whole orchestra. Especially good matching with a large bell. |
Giardi. G17 (Smaller) |
HR-5D |
17.500 |
Mildly shallow |
#22(4.00) |
HR-L |
Produces speedy and brelliant European sound. Fits for both principal and third player who play high register in orchestra. Good matching with middle or small bell. |
Alex. 8 |
HR-5C |
Medium |
#16(4.50) |
Produces rich harmony. This model has velvety blow-feeling and great balance of resonance. Fits for both large and small bell. |
Bach 7 (Slightly- smaller) |
HR-5B |
Mildly deep |
#13(4.70) |
HR-M |
Produces velvet and encompassing American sound. Fits for players who often play Wienerhorn or F horn. Good matching with a large bell. |
Giardi. G17(Larger) |
HR-3D |
17.800 |
Mildly shallow |
#22(4.00) |
HR-L |
Fits for both principal and third player who play high register and prefer a large rim diameter. Good matching with middle or small bell. |
Yamaha 32B (Larger) |
HR-3C |
Medium |
#16(4.50) |
Fits for players in a big orchestra. Produces a great harmony and easy to play low register. Fits for both large and small bell. |
Bach 3 (Slightly- larger) |
HR-3B |
Mildly deep |
#13(4.70) |
HR-M |
Fits for players who prefer a large rim diameter and often play Wienerhorn or F horn. Good matching with a large bell. |
Alex. MY15(Larger) |